
Building Inspector - 203-736-1481
Joseph Ballaro

Blight Officers - 203-736-1450 x1235

Carmine Lizza

Jim Watson

Report a Blighted Property by clicking here

City of Derby Charter - §60-2 Defination of Blight:    
A.  It is dilapidated or becoming dilapidated as documented by the Building Official;
B.  It is attracting illegal activity as documented by the Police Department;
C.  It is a fire hazard as determined by the Fire Marshal or as documented by the Fire Department;
D. It is determined by the Building Official or by Health Department reports that the condition of the building, structure or parcel of land poses a serious or immediate danger to the safety, health or general welfare of the community.
E.  It is not being maintained. The following factors may be considered in determining whether a structure or building is not being adequately maintained: missing or boarded windows or doors; collapsing or missing walls, roof or floors; seriously damaged or missing siding; a structurally faulty foundation; garbage, trash or abandoned/unregistered cars on the premises (unless the premises is a junkyard legally licensed by the State of Connecticut); overgrown grass or weeds of at least one foot in length; graffiti; and fire damage; or
F.  It is a factor creating a substantial and unreasonable interference with the reasonable and lawful use and enjoyment of other space within the neighborhood as documented by neighborhood complaints, or cancellation of insurance on adjacent properties.